Sunday 27 June 2010

The 'All Important' First Post

Hi all. This is eventually, if I don't give up on it, is going to be a random blog about my life, writing, music and such. But mostly me. xD Yes, I know, that sounds shallow, but still. I'm not exactly going to write about some person I've never met (unless I'm writing a story of course), am I?
So...yep. This is it. The all important first post. Ooh - scary.
I spent like over an hour trying to get the design of this blog just right. Didn't turn out to bad, and I especially like the banner I made.
Right now I'm listening to Tiffany Alvord. I found her on YouTube when I was listening to Sam Tsui. They did a song together...and yeah. (Thanks Steph for posting that Summer Melody thing.)

That's all for now. See you in a few years. xD

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